Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for your generosity! Our community gave $1,968 towards our Thanksgiving Offering last week to support Shared Breakfast and the Blaine Center (only $32 short of our $2000 goal!).

Shared Breakfast has been in operation for over 25 years and provides a free meal every Sunday morning to anyone that is hungry. The Blaine Center shelter, through our partnership with Compass Housing Alliance, provides temporary shelter to individuals and case management to help transition individuals to stable housing.

Your gifts to the Homeless Fund cover special operating costs for these ministries, including costs for our Security Shepherds that help ensure smooth operation of Shared Breakfast every Sunday morning, and for repair costs at the Blaine Center to maintain a safe environment for our guests. 

If you would still like to donate, click on the link below. Or consider making a recurring gift towards these ministries.

We appreciate you and your support!

-Jackie Celin

Student Pastor of Missions

On Behalf of the Urban Outreach Committee