National Ecumenical Advocacy Days Virtual Event

National Ecumenical Advocacy Days Virtual Event

Swords into Plowshares – Achieving Enough for All & Pursuing Peace

April 25-27, 2023

Join with other Christian advocates and activists from across the country and from many different denominations to worship, learn, reflect, and participate virtually in advocacy at the U.S. Capitol Hill. Ecumenical Advocacy Days is a movement of the ecumenical Christian community, and its recognized partners and allies, grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation. Our goal, through worship, theological reflection and opportunities for learning and witness, is to strengthen our Christian voice and to mobilize for advocacy on a wide variety of U.S. domestic and international policy issues.

Our General Board of Church & Society of the United Methodist Church is a partner of this event, and Dr. Jessie Smith, Senior Executive Director of Research, Planning, and Spiritual Formation at Church and Society will lead morning devotionals on Wednesday and Thursday. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the Interim President and General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ and the first female bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church will be the Preacher for the Opening Worship service. Check out the website below for more information, the schedule of events, and for registration.

Come for part of it or for all! Send me a message if you plan on attending.

-Jackie Celin

Student Pastor of Missions