UMC Student Day Offering

UMC Student Day Offering

United Methodist Student Day is set for Sunday, November 28th.  It’s a day when we celebrate our United Methodist undergraduate and graduate students and receive an offering to support scholarships for qualified applicants.  One of six denomination-wide Special Sundays, United Methodist Student Day includes a special offering that funds a channel of hope for young scholars, reducing the overwhelming burden of college debt and helping bring their full selves into the professions to which they feel called. 

Worrying about college expenses is just one of the anxieties that many young students struggle with.  It can take away from their ability to excel in their studies or to immerse themselves in extracurricular activities.  Through the Gift of Hope Scholarship, which is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodists gave $237,000 in 2020’s offering that went on to fund 70 scholarships, giving students a boost to help relieve financial anxiety so that they could better-fulfill their academic dreams.

Right now, there are United Methodist young people who might not have the resources to attend a school of their choice, or, for some, any school at all.  When you give generously, you are supporting these students as they prepare for a life that unites faith with knowledge.  Your contribution is an acknowledgment that the church has confidence in them and in their abilities.  When you give generously on United Methodist Student Day, you support future missionaries, engineers, teachers, pastors, film producers, and so many other careers.

United Methodists students yearn to make a difference in the world and strive to discern what God has called them to do.  Gifts to the United Methodist Student Day offering help send young leaders into the world with the justice-seeking, healing, and compassionate values that have been instilled in them over the years.  Your offering undergirds those values with tangible resources, making a positive impact on so many young lives.

Thank you for your generosity on United Methodist Student Day.