Social Justice Committee, Co-Sponsor of the High School Meaningful Movies

Social Justice Committee, Co-Sponsor of the High School Meaningful Movies

The High School Meaningful Movies group along with Meaningful Movies at First Church Seattle and Wallingford Meaningful Movies are presenting an online screening of the film Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring Our World on Friday, August 5 at 6:30 p.m. 

The film follows five Native American communities as they use traditional land management practices to fight against climate change. Many Indigenous communities in the U.S. are reviving their ancient relationships with the land. As the climate crisis intensifies, we need to learn about and follow the practices used by North America’s original inhabitants. 

Stories in the film showcase Hopi dryland farming in Arizona, restoring buffalo in Montana’s Blackfeet reservation, a native food forest in Hawaii, forest maintenance on the Menominee reservation in Wisconsin, and wildfire management strategies used by the Karuk tribe of California.

You can register for the event here.

Zoom Link for Event