Pastoral Letter: Regarding the Violence at the United States Capitol Building

Pastoral Letter: Regarding the Violence at the United States Capitol Building

Dear First Church,

We wanted to write to you as we all process the emotions of a difficult day. The violent acts that transpired in Washington, DC today are the direct result of the hate and disinformation sown by an administration marked by corrupt leadership, and disregard for the foundations of our democracy. However, the initial shock, anger, and heartbreak we felt as people stormed the Capitol Building was accompanied by a reminder, a reminder that amidst the violence and darkness that we saw unfolding, God’s call to us to work for justice is more important than ever.

And so we want to share with you a blessing. A blessing that reminds us that we are God’s people, called to live in beloved community. A blessing that reminds us of the profound hope that God is working in and through us towards a world of decency and kindness. A blessing that reminds us that on this day of Epiphany, we carry a light with us, especially in the darkest of places.

“Blessed are you – who bear the light in unbearable times,

who testify to its endurance amid the unendurable,

who bear witness to its persistence when everything seems in shadow and grief.

Blessed are you in whom the light lives,

in whom the brightness blazes –your heart a chapel,

an altar where in the deepest night can be seen the fire that shines forth in you

in unaccountable faith, in stubborn hope, in love that illumines every broken thing it finds.”

Jan Richardson

May this blessing sustain us in the profound hope in a God who calls us to do justice, love mercy, and to walk humbly.

You are invited to join us this Sunday for worship at 10:30AM. Pastor Jeremy will be preaching on a Christ-centered response to “Christian” Nationalism as we remember our baptismal vows to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. We encourage you to reach out to your loved ones tonight and check to see how they are doing. It is times like these when it is so important to be reminded that we are part of a community. And as always, you can always reach out to Pastor Jeremy and Pastor Yvonne to check-in and pray.


Pastor Jeremy & Pastor Yvonne