January Missions Reflection

January Missions Reflection

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

(Romans 12:2, NRSV)

This past weekend, I finally had the opportunity to take down our Christmas tree and put away Christmas. I am always surprised by how different the room looks after everything is put away. Visually, it moves us from a time of celebrations and festivities back to our daily lives. Christ has been born, the Magi have found baby Jesus, and the year has turned over to a new one. January, then, often becomes a season of renewal where many of us think about starting fresh and setting New Year’s resolutions. 

When I put away all of those decorations, I also started to notice small ways I can improve our living space. Putting in a new shelf in one spot can eliminate some clutter in another, or moving a piece of furniture from one room to the next might organize the space better and make it more efficient.

In this season of renewal, I think we can also look at small steps we can take to deepen our spiritual lives as we further develop our relationship with God. Maybe it is by setting a better rhythm of daily scripture readings, prayer, or biblical reflections related to the world around us. Or, maybe by making a new service commitment this year for our community or for our church. Or, possibly by taking that next step of putting our passion for justice into action.

Take a moment to listen in your heart for the ways the Holy Spirit is working in you, urging you to take the small steps towards transformation of yourself that creates transformation in our world. Recognize ways that God guides us to walk the path that Jesus has trod to form a just society. What little steps do you want to take and how can I help support you in that? I invite you to consider some possible little steps you can take in missions and service by filling out this form to receive further information on upcoming opportunities or to set-up a time to chat with me further on where your passions for just action may be leading you.

-Jackie Celin

Student Pastor of Missions