An update from Church Council & our Pastoral Team

An update from Church Council & our Pastoral Team

Dear First Church,

In recent days, we have received new updates from the Centers of Disease Control, the Washington Governor’s office, and King County Public Health. These updates have been a mixture of cautions about the rise in COVID-19 infections driven by more contagious variants in our community, and updated guidance for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. 

Your First Church Council is studying the updates and waiting for updated guidance from the United Methodist bishop’s office, which is expected the week of May 2nd. We want to remind you that any changes will be incremental, and we will continue to choose a path forward that will protect our community.

We celebrate each of our church members who has been fully vaccinated. We recognize that many adults, our church staff included, have only recently become eligible and are still awaiting an appointment or a second shot. And we are mindful that vaccines are not yet approved for an important part of our community – our children and youth. 

For now, we will continue to gather for virtual worship and meetings, while supporting Shared Breakfast and other ministries that serve those most in need. 

Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Yvonne, & Katie Harris, Church Council Chair