WA State Legislature 2021 Final Legislative Update

WA State Legislature 2021 Final Legislative Update

Our Church & Society/Social Justice Committee writes:

This is the last legislative update of the Washington State Legislature 2021 Session. Our partner organization, Faith Action Network (FAN) has published an excellent summary of the bills that we have been following over the past 4 months that were passed. Their list includes the Environmental and Climate Justice Bills supported by Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light. First Church has membership in both these organizations. FAN shared this update:

This session was amazing in the significant social change bills passed, such as Capital Gains (SB 5096) which will now fund the new Fare Start childcare program enacted this session, the Clean Fuels Standard bill (HB 1091) that will help our state reduce carbon emissions, and the largest cash grant increase for the TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program ever (15%=$52.2M) in the 2021-23 biennial budget. Significantly, the focus on racial equity this session was unprecedented – from the number of people of color lobbying and testifying, to the bills being introduced and passed, and the number of legislators of color – now over 20. Please see and share our 2021 Legislative Successes for all of the bills we are celebrating!

Faith Action Network