The Offering of Letters campaign is complete!

The Offering of Letters campaign is complete!

Thank you everyone for your recent involvement in our Offering of Letters Campaign with Bread for the World through your prayers, support, and participation. Bread for the World is a Christian advocacy organization urging U.S. decision makers to do all they can to pursue a world without hunger.

Your participation in this event helped to inform our congressional leaders that the issue of hunger is important to us as people of faith. This is certainly true at First Church where one of our focus areas for our current three year vision is, “seeking to act in solidarity with the Hungry and Homeless.”[1] We joined our efforts with many other faith communities across the country who have similar priorities by sending in our advocacy letters that ask Congress to do more to curb hunger. We are guided by Jesus’ words when he said, “for I was hungry and you gave me food.” (Matthew 25:35-40).

In Worship at the beginning of June, we celebrated the work that was done and the letters collected. In all, we put together 26 letters and emails! Great work everyone! For our first time doing this in our recent past, I was quite impressed with our participation.

If you missed the opportunity to send in a letter but would still like to participate, you can email your representatives here through Bread for the World.

Thank you for your concern for the most vulnerable in our society.

Jackie Celin

Student Pastor of Missions
