Congregation Care with Pastor Doug

Congregation Care with Pastor Doug

Like most other churches I’ve served, I’m discovering Seattle First has a very efficient system of congregational care. The Pastor (Jeremy) and a layperson (Joyce) are both recipients and conveyors of important and timely information concerning members and friends of the congregation. 

Whatever it may be, death in the family, unexpected accidents and injuries, upcoming surgeries, job, and other significant losses, as well as joyful events like births, engagements, weddings, significant birthdays, and anniversaries are all important life events meant to be shared in Christian community. 

Of course, confidences are kept when requested and appropriate; some things are meant for pastor’s ears only. But when someone has a need that begs for support, then it is good for others to know and  offer, at the very least, prayer and words of encouragement. Those may be expressed in a myriad of ways, from in person visits to phone calls, from cards and emails, from texts and whatever is the latest and favorite form of social media. 

In my few weeks of serving among you, I have been impressed with how well and widely joys and sorrows have been shared among you. Despite being dispersed in every direction from Second and Denny Way, you all seem to keep track of one another very well. That is surely a healthy sign of “holding one another in love,” and “being members one of another.”

So, when I am privileged to make a visit in home or hospital, I can bring greetings from not only my colleague Pastor Jeremy, but also the Caring Ministries team, the Prayer Circle and indeed a whole compassionate congregation. That’s spiritually powerful, friends; so keep the love flowing to one another in every direction, and in every circumstance. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me either, with news and concerns of any kind.  God bless us all!

Pastor Doug Vernon

Pastor of Congregational Care