Advocacy Opportunities from our Church & Society/Social Justice Committee

Advocacy Opportunities from our Church & Society/Social Justice Committee

Faith Action Network (FAN) Spring Summits

Sign up now for FAN’s Spring Summits – Sun., May 23 or Sun., June 6, from 2 – 4 p.m. – where you can gather virtually with advocates in your region and in your area of interest to consider what steps we might take together in the year ahead. This event is open to advocates across the state, and the content and breakouts will be the same each Sunday. Please share the flyer and register for one of the dates below.

May 23 OR   June 6

Volunteers needed: If you want to help facilitate a breakout session during one of these events, contact

Your voice is needed now in the other Washington!

The national George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (JPA) HR 1280 has passed the House and includes a ban on chokeholds except in life emergency situations, sets stricter standards on no-knock warrants, and limits the transfer of some military equipment to local law enforcement agencies. Learn More. 

Email Washington State Senators Cantwell and Murray, or call them at their district offices with the following suggested message:

Reforming our law enforcement system is vital to repairing the huge breach in relationships with Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. I am a person of faith and a member of Faith Action Network and urge your support of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and its passage by May 25 with no further weakening amendments.

Western Washington’s Faith Action Climate Team (FACT) 

FACT offers information and resources to help congregations grapple with their own contributions to climate change, with a special focus on how we heat our buildings. Click here to find practical and actionable suggestions and resources, and the opportunity to discuss meaningful carbon reduction possibilities with FACT members.

FACT is an interfaith, grassroots group in the greater Seattle area which since 2016 has leveraged the moral power of its members’ faith traditions to work for climate justice. Past activities include organizing climate conferences, testifying at hearings, sitting in prayer at a Chase bank to protest the bank’s funding of fossil fuel infrastructure projects, and helping to lead worship services that address how worshipers can reconcile their faith with the existential threat of climate change. For more information, contact Keith Ervin at