The Spirit Moves us Forward: Towards a Debt-Free Future

The Spirit Moves us Forward: Towards a Debt-Free Future

12 April 2023

Dear First Church Community,

The First Church congregation is embarking on a capital campaign to pay off our mortgage. The goal of “The Spirit Moves us Forward: Towards a Debt-Free Future” is to raise $454,000 by the end of August 2025  to retire the mortgage, thereby enabling us to free up resources to broaden and deepen our ongoing ministry, music and message. Everything that matters to you about First Church will be easier to do when the mortgage is paid off.

We’re almost there!

After the sale of the church’s property on Fifth Avenue in downtown Seattle in 2008, construction began on our new First Church sanctuary at Second Avenue and Denny Way as well as The Blaine Center housing for homeless men and the parking garage. In order to complete these buildings, it was necessary to take out a $1.8 million mortgage. Throughout the past fifteen years, thanks to three capital campaigns and the generosity of many First Church members, the congregation has reduced the mortgage to just $454,000 – a reduction of nearly 75%!

We’re already on our way!

Since last Fall when the Stewardship Committee first informed the congregation that a capital campaign to eliminate the church’s mortgage was in the works, generous church members have come forward and committed $225,000 toward this effort.  Thanks to their generosity, we have just $229,000 left to raise!

You can move us forward.

You and all other households in the congregation are being invited to make a pledge (to be paid between June 2023 and August 2025) to eliminate the mortgage and enable an even stronger future for our church. If we are fortunate to raise more than is necessary to pay off the mortgage, the extra money will be gratefully received and put under the jurisdiction of the church trustees to use for building repairs and improvements. 

We invite you to prayerfully review the Giving Ladder below and determine what you are able to give to this campaign.  We request that all pledges be turned in to the church, either via the pledge card or online, by Sunday, May 21st.  There will be a celebration on Sunday, June 4th where we will announce the results of the campaign. 

Thank you for your support!

Jim Schone & Greg Wallace

Co-Chairs, Work Group for a Debt-Free First Church


Read answers to our Frequently Asked Questions here!

Make your pledge online today!