Amphitheatre Mural

Amphitheatre Mural


Take a look at this photo by Rev. Paul Jeffrey, and read his description.

Paul Jeffrey 1988 Nicaragua (copyright Paul Jeffrey, used with permission)

“I don’t remember exactly where I took this photo, but it was somewhere along the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua following the passage of Hurricane Joan in 1988. It’s not particularly exciting, as there are no people in it, but it illustrates what happens when a major storm passes through and blows everyone’s house apart. You pick up the pieces in your yard, whether they are from your house or not, and nail them back together, which makes for a fascinating color scheme.”

Rev. Paul Jeffrey

Take a few minutes to read about the Amphitheatre Mural and the artist who created it.


Compare and contrast the Seattle Mural with the Jeffrey photo from 1988. What similarities do you see?

Questions to ponder or to journal

  • What gifts have blown into your yard over the years that you integrated and made into your self-image today? What did you not expect to pick up but you did and it became a part of you?
  • What discarded or torn scraps of paper have you made into something that is meaningful to you in your life?

Walk to the Sonic Bloom

Walk south from the Seattle Mural, and angle to the left to walk around the Space Needle (keep the Space Needle on your left side). To your right in the sky, you’ll see Green and Red flowers.