Meaningful Movies: Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.

Meaningful Movies: Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.

First Church Seattle’s Church & Society/Social Justice Committee will host a Meaningful Movies at First Church discussion on Sunday, October 16 from noon – 1:00 p.m. of the film Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.  You are invited to watch the documentary beforehand and then join in a discussion with local activists and legislators.

Event registration:  To receive the Zoom link to the October 16 event, register by clicking on this link.

The 2016 documentary film is based on personal stories of how gun violence has affected the lives of survivors and victims’ families from all over the country. Unintentional shootings, domestic violence, suicides, mass shootings, and gun trafficking are portrayed in the documentary.  The film exposes how powerful gun companies and the NRA resist responsible legislation for the sake of profit, thereby putting innocent people in danger. It suggests sensible measures to prevent further gun violence and tragedy.

The film, which is about 1 ¾ hours in length, may be watched in entirety or by segments that are provided at the top of the screening window.  You may access the film at no charge by clicking on this link

Please watch the film BEFORE the October 16 event. The film will not be shown during the October 16 event.  However, if you have not watched the film, you are welcome to attend the event, and you also may watch the film after the event.

On Sunday, October 16 at noon, please join on Zoom for the one-hour discussion of gun violence and legislative efforts in Washington State to prevent it. Speakers include:• Margaret Heldring, Acting Chair of Grandmothers Against Gun Violence (, and• Washington State Senator David Frockt, 46th Legislative District – Seattle, who is a leading champion of common-sense gun reforms in Washington.

Event co-sponsors:  Meaningful Movies Projects at Gig Harbor, Olympia, and Spokane; Grandmothers Against Gun Violence.

Note: This is a virtual event, but the program will also be shown in Fellowship Hall of First Church especially for those who may not have adequate travel time between the end of the church service and noon when the event begins. Please bring a bag lunch if you wish. Snacks and coffee will also be available.  Please register for the event even if you plan to watch it at church.