Lunch & Learn | Climate Safe Investing: Part One

Lunch & Learn | Climate Safe Investing: Part One

On Sunday, March 9, after the morning worship service, join us in the Fellowship Hall for the first in a two-part series on Climate Safe Investing.

Michael Richardson, co-facilitator of Third Act Upstate New York and seasoned source of knowledge and support on green investments, will present an overview of climate safe investing, ranging from the selection of personal investments to shareholder advocacy. 

Anne Shields, a Third Act Washington activist, will present about the Costco Climate Shareholders Club, a group of U.S. investors concerned about Costco’s credit card partnership with Citibank, one of the biggest global funders of the oil, gas, and coal industries contributing to climate change.

You may attend in person or via Zoom. To register, visit this link. After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link.

For those attending in person, lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall of First Church, 180 Denny Way, Seattle, at 11:45 a.m. after the worship service. A $5 donation is requested for lunch. The speakers will be introduced at 12:30 and the program will end by 1:45 p.m.

Part two of this Lunch and Learn series will be on Sunday, April 13. The focus will be on how to switch from doing business (including credit card accounts) with banks that fund fossil fuel projects to banks that say no to fossil fuels. An article with details and registration link will be posted in early March.