Easter for Children & Youth
  • 180 Denny Way
    Seattle, WA 98109

  • First Church Seattle

Easter for Children & Youth

On Easter Sunday, all children and youth will receive an Easter bag filled with candy, games, and crafts when they arrive at church for the service. For those of you with younger children, the bags will include items that will help entertain your child during the service. There will also be a small collection of Easter books to borrow from the children’s library.

Nursery Reopening!

The nursery, staffed by our new nursery staff will reopen on Easter Sunday, welcoming babies up to children 5 years olds. 

Easter Egg Hunt

We will be hosting our annual Easter egg hunt on the third floor of the church after worship. The egg hunt will begin promptly at noon. We will be serving hotdogs and
other refreshments for lunch.

Questions? Contact Jonathyn Kraig, Director of Children & Youth Ministry: Jonathyn@firstchurchseattle.org