Climate Action at First Church

Climate Action at First Church

Climate Action at First Church:

Attend January 5 virtual meeting 

to share your ideas

First Church members and friends are invited to attend a meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, January 5 from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. to share your thoughts about how First Church could best address the climate crisis and take steps toward climate justice.

A Climate Action Working Group facilitated by Tom Carlson and comprised of members from three church committees (Adult Education/Spiritual Enrichment, Church & Society/Social Justice, and Worship) met in fall 2021 to begin to envision a church-wide Climate Action initiative. The initiative would be integrated into all aspects of First Church, and would include education, transformation, and action. 

The working group wants to hear your thoughts and feelings about the climate crisis and what First Church’s Climate Action initiative could include.

Date: Wednesday, January 5 

Time:  7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

What: Share your thoughts about how First Church can engage in Climate Action

Register to receive the Zoom link below.

If you cannot join the January 5 meeting, but want to share your ideas, please email Tom Carlson at or call him at 206-713-0832.