Preview Lunch & Learn: 90 Days to Spiritual Renewal Cohort
  • 180 Denny Way
    Seattle, WA 98109

  • Fellowship Hall

Preview Lunch & Learn: 90 Days to Spiritual Renewal Cohort

A robust spirituality is an essential component of mental, physical, and emotional health. Where better to learn than First Church, where you already know we hold your spirituality as a priority, and we don’t invite in bad theology, “gotcha marketing,” or dumb stuff. Our 90-day Immersive Spirituality Cohort will put into practice three ancient practices of spiritual growth with contemporary adaptions accessible to all ages and abilities.

Our first cohort is launching in 2023. The New Year marks a great opportunity to commit to transformation this year: to move from where you are now to where you want to be. 

Come to a Preview Lunch & Learn on Sunday, January 8th after worship to learn more, answer questions, and sign up if you haven’t already!