Vision 2018 – 2021

Vision 2018 – 2021

The 2017-2018 Church Council crafted the following goals in early 2018. Over the next three years, First Church will focus on continuing to transform downtown Seattle guided by the following vision.

Guiding image:  Wayfinding – navigating a path through the unknown by practicing the following strategies.

  1. Know where we are
  2. Set a course
  3. Monitor the course
  4. Recognize the destination

Living into these strategies and trusting the Holy Spirit to fill our sails will enable First Church to offer a refuge of inclusive Christianity in an ever-changing world.

Know where we are: First Church Will Be A Neighborhood Hub

Goal: First Church is a hub for neighborhood activity, with increased visibility at neighborhood events and ongoing relationships with local organizations whose missions align with our own.


  1. Actively pursue partnerships with community organizations in adjacent neighborhoods.
  2. Visibly participate in six (6) neighborhood events annually.

Year 1

  • Publish facility rental information detailing shared values, for-profit and nonprofit rental rates, and parking availability.
  • Create a schedule of volunteers and staff to support building use by external groups.
  • Gather a list of prospective local organizations to partner with.
  • Coordinate the selection of six (6) local events that First Church will participate in.

Year 2:

  • Number of neighborhood partners increase.
  • Welcome local groups by highlighting their presences in First Church communications, and encouraging members to participate in compatible organizations.
  • First Church has an appropriate, supportive, and encouraging  presence at neighborhood events.

Year 3:

  • First Church is known as a welcoming and supportive environment by local organizations.
  • First Church sustains a regular presence at local events that align with our mission.
  • First Church maintains appropriate volunteer and staff levels.

Set the Course: First Church will be a Spiritual Culture

Goal: First Church will build a culture that recognizes the centrality of personal and collective spiritual growth to the life and mission of our church, emphasizing a discipling process that fosters spiritual growth among all members of our community.


  1. Increase understanding of the Biblical and Methodist prioritization of spiritual life, both individually and communally.
  2. Evaluate our community’s particular needs, interests, opportunities and challenges, and develop a comprehensive process for consistent spiritual growth.

Year 1

  • Empower a volunteer to begin developing leadership at various levels: small group leadership, teachers, etc.
  • Educate the First Church community regarding the value of engaging in focused activities that foster spiritual growth, while being sensitive and creative in seeking ways to meet the needs of a diverse community.
  • Create and launch two new opportunities for spiritual growth.

Year 2

  • Launch additional small group spiritual growth opportunities.
  • Establish curriculum and leadership for small groups and classes. Continue to develop leaders without overloading individuals.
  • Work with other churches and organizations to provide opportunities that First Church could not offer alone.

Year 3

  • Seventy-five percent of of the First Church community regularly participates in organized spiritual growth activities.
  • Continue to expand congregational and local opportunities for spiritual growth.
  • Provide ongoing training for new leaders as they emerge.

Monitor the Course: First Church is a local church with a global perspective.

Goal: First Church will facilitate opportunities and connections that actively support social justice causes in our community, expanding our affinity with groups and individuals from diverse backgrounds.


  1. Expand educational and active engagement opportunities.
  2. Partner with local organizations that are already engaged in this work.

Year 1

  • Determine causes the congregation wants to support, what connections already exist, and what people are curious about.
  • Contact local organizations that were indicated by congregation and begin to engage via educational and volunteer activities.

Year 2:

  • Encourage individual First Church committees to engage with outside groups and resources.
  • Coordinate internal and external events with outside organizations that align with First Church’s mission.

Year 3:

  • Develop a strategy to rapidly deploy people, written communications, and prayer towards areas of urgent need.
  • Sponsor local events that align with First Church’s mission.
  • Offer both targeted and general interest events.

Recognize the Arrival: First Church will be a Community of Healthy Communities

Goal: First Church will be a community of healthy communities at all levels of the church. New and existing members can easily access engagement opportunities, and feel a sense of welcome and belonging in at least two groups or communities, leading to intergenerational impact and transformation.


  1. Increase the visibility and engagement of our small groups for new and existing members.
  2. Establish a team dedicated to coordinating and supporting small group leadership, scheduling and engagement.

Year 1 objectives:

  • Create a small group coordinating and support team to audit existing groups and leadership, and determine what support or changes are needed.
  • Increase visibility of community group offerings, determining areas of interest for new members to better enable connection.
  • Encourage community groups to invest in a discoverable, clear, and compelling digital presence.

Year 2 objectives:

  • Small group support team is a permanent fixture.
  • Set up a yearly schedule for community groups.
  • Leaders are encouraged to schedule joint events with other groups.

Year 3 objectives:

  • Volunteers and staff can engage visitors and direct them to up-to-date information about community groups.
  • Every group has an active and easily discoverable digital presence.
  • Visitors and new members are introduced to a relevant small group leader on their first or second visit.
  • Every community group has at least one event each year co-hosted with another group.
  • Group leadership term lengths are clear, with a strategy in place to mentor new leaders.